VHDL Style Guide

Hardware Beschreibung

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VHDL Style Guide

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File/Datei OpenOffice.org Writer

Mario Fohler and Maja Gordić

Peter Thorwartl





VHDL Style Guide

A set of rules and guidelines for writing VHDL models used within “So-Logic” company


1.1 Objects

  • An object is a named item that has a value of a given type that belongs to a class.

1.2 Classes

  • A class is relevant to the nature of the object and represent how the object is used in the model. There are four classes of objects: constants, signals, variables and files.

1.2.1 Constants

  • An object whose value may not be changed

  • Use constants to define data parameters and table lookups

  • Constant shall be used to represent limits and parameters

  • Constant Name: constant_name_c

  • Example: (modulator_pkg.vhd)


package modulator_pkg is

constant per_c : time := 20 ns; -- clock period (T=1/50 MHz), that is used in all testbenches

constant design_setting_c : design_setting_t := (x"ff", 1.0, 3.5, 8, 12);

-- definitions of system clock frequencies for different development boards:

constant spartan3e_dev_board_fclk_c : real := 50000000.0;

constant spartan6_dev_board_fclk_c : real := 200000000.0;

1.2.2 Signals

  • An object with a past history

  • Use signals as channels of communication between concurrent statements (e.g. components, processes)

  • Keep the same signal name through different hierarchies. Tracing the signals will be easier

  • Use a prefixes to name the source of the signal, maybe a underscore and the destination of the signal

  • Use a suffix to describe the function of the signal reset, trigger, en,...

  • Signal Name: signal_name_s

  • Example: (modulator_rtl.vhd)

architecture rtl of modulator is

signal ampl_cnt_s : std_logic_vector(design_setting_g.depth-1 downto 0); -- amplitude counter

signal sine_ampl_s : std_logic_vector(design_setting_g.width-1 downto 0); -- current amplitude value of the sine signal

signal freq_trig_s : std_logic := '0'; -- signal which frequency depends on the sw0_freq_sel state

1.2.3 Variables

  • An object with a single current value

  • Variables shall be used in preference to signals. Signals carry more overheads than variables do. Unless something needs to be seen in another process, use a variable

  • In non-synthetisable models, avoid using signals to describe storage element. Use variables instead of signals (signals occupy about two orders more storage than variables during simulation)

  • In combinatorial processes read variables then write to them. If variables are written then read, long combinatorial logic and latches will be generated. This come from the fact that variables get their value immediately and not like signals after the process suspends

  • Variable Name: variable_name_v

  • Example: (pwm_rtl.vhd)


process1: process (clk_in)

variable treshold : integer range 0 to 4095 := 0;

variable count : integer range 0 to 4095 := 0;


1.2.4 Files

  • An object used to represent file in the host environment

  • For portability reasons the only allowed file type is std.textio.text

  • Don’t use absolute path names

  • File Handle Name: file_name_f

  • Example:


write_p: process -- write 64 following sin-amplitude values in sin.txt

file out_sin_f: text open write_mode is "sin.txt"; -- create file in write mode in work directory

variable out_sin_line_v : line; -- line variable


wait until rising_edge(clk_in_s);

if wr_end_s = '0' and freq_trig_s = '1' then

if wr_count_s = 64 then -- write 64 amplitude values

wr_end_s <= '1'; -- write end/end of file


write(out_sin_line_v, dac_amplvalue_s); -- write dac_amplvalue_s value in out_sin_line_v

writeline(out_sin_f, out_sin_line_v); -- write out_sin_line_v in one line of out_sin_f

wr_count_s <= wr_count_s+1; -- increment write counter

end if;

end if;

end process;

1.3 Types and Subtypes

  • Use a package for type definitions, if you use it more then once

  • The type of an object represents its structure, composition and storage requirement (integer, real, std_logic, …) that an object can hold

  • Type Name: type_name_t_arr --array

_rec --record

_range --range

_enum --enumeration

  • Example: (modulator_pkg.vhd)


package modulator_pkg is

type vector_t_arr is array (natural range <>) of integer;

constant per_c : time := 20 ns; -- clock period (T=1/50 MHz)

type design_setting_t is record

cntampl_value : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); -- clk counter amplitude border

f1 : real; -- first frequency for the PWM signal, specified in Hz

f2 : real; -- second frequency for the PWM signal, specified in Hz

depth : integer range 0 to 99; -- the number of samples in one period of the signal

width : integer range 0 to 99; -- the number of bits used to represent amplitude value

end record design_setting_t;

constant design_setting_c : design_setting_t := (x"ff", 1.0, 3.5, 8, 12);

-- definitions of system clock frequencies for different development boards:

constant spartan3e_dev_board_fclk_c : real := 50000000.0;

constant spartan6_dev_board_fclk_c : real := 200000000.0;

function init_sin_f


constant depth_c : in integer; -- is the number of samples in one period of the signal (2^8=256)

constant width_c : in integer -- is the number of bits used to represent amplitude value (2^12=4096)


return vector_t_arr;


package body modulator_pkg is

function init_sin_f


depth_c : in integer;

width_c : in integer

return vector_t_arr is

variable init_arr_v : vector_t_arr(0 to (2 ** depth_c - 1));


for i in 0 to ((2 ** depth_c)- 1) loop -- calculate amplitude values

init_arr_v(i) := integer(round(sin((math_2_pi / real(2 ** depth_c))*real(i)) *

(real(2** (width_c - 1)) - 1.0))) + integer(2 ** (width_c - 1) - 1); -- sin (2*pi*i / N) * (2width_c-1 - 1) + 2width_c-1 – 1, N = 2depth_c

end loop;

return init_arr_v;



1.4 Units

  • VHDL contains five design units constructs that can be independently analyzed and stored in a design library

  • Each file shall be named according to the unit it contains

  • A file shall contain only one design unit. This minimizes the amount of recompilation required when a library unit, on which other library depends, is modified

1.4.1 Libraries

  • A library is a collection of compiled design units

  • Example:

library ieee;

use ieee.math_real.all;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;

use ieee.std_logic_textio.all;

use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

library std;

use std.textio.all;

library unisim;

use unisim.vcomponents.all;

1.4.2 Entity

  • Represent the interface I/O definition and generics

  • Make use of generics for buffer sizes, bus width and all other unit parameters. This provides more readability and reusability of the code

  • File Name: entity_name.vhd

  • Example: (modulator_rtl.vhd)

entity modulator is


fclk_g: real := spartan3e_dev_board_fclk_c; -- clk frequency specified in Hz

design_setting_g: design_setting_t := design_setting_c --user defined settings for the pwm design



clk_in : in std_logic; -- 50 MHz input clock signal

sw0_freq_sel : in std_logic; -- signal made for selecting frequency

pwm : out std_logic -- pulse width modulated signal




1.4.3 Architecture

  • Architecture defines how the system behaves. This description can be in different levels of abstraction or different purpose

  • Together the entity/architecture pair represents a component

  • Behavioural beh

  • Structural structure

  • Register Transfer Level rtl

  • Functional fun

  • Transaction Level Modeling tlm

  • Testbench tb

  • Use the company name if it is specific for a company like altera_rtl, xilinx_rtl, lattice_rtl, ...

  • Use the family name if it is family specific like xc2vp_rtl, xc9500_rtl, ...

  • File Name: entity_name_architecture_name.vhd

  • Example: (modulator_rtl.vhd)


architecture rtl of modulator is






1.4.4 Package

  • Provide a collection of declarations (types, constant, signals, component) or sub-programs (procedures, functions).

  • The subprogram bodies are not described

  • Where possible, packages approved by the IEEE should be used rather than redeveloping similar functionality

  • Packages specific to a particular CAD tool standard should not be used

  • The number of packages used by a model shall not be excessive

  • File Name: package_name_pkg.vhd

  • Example: see Chapter 1.3 Types and Subtypes

1.4.5 Package Body

  • Provide a complete definition of the subprograms

  • File Name: package_name_body.vhd

  • Example: see Chapter 1.3 Types and Subtypes

1.4.6 Configuration

  • Binds a particular architecture to an entity or binds an entity/architecture pair to a component

  • Try to use configuration to map entities and architectures and components in a single file

  • File Name: config_name_cfg.vhd


2.1 Generics

  • Generics provide a channel for static information to be communicated to an entity from the environment

  • Unlike constants, the value can supply externally, either in a component instantiation or in a configuration specification

  • Avoid using hard-coded numbers for characteristics that may change throughout the lifetime of the model

  • Name: generic_name_g

  • Example: (sine_top_rtl.vhd)

entity sine_top is


cntampl_value_g : std_logic_vector := x"ff"; -- threshold value for counter

depth_g : integer range 1 to 99 := 8; -- the number of samples in one period of the signal

width_g : integer range 1 to 99 := 12; -- the number of bits used to represent amplitude value

freqhigh_g : integer := 196608; -- threshold value of frequency a

freqlow_g : integer := 57344 -- threshold value of frequency b


2.2 Ports

  • Ports describe the directions of the interface

  • Use std_logic or std_logic_vector for external port types

  • Do not use ports with type buffer to read output within the code. Instead use out type and add another variable or signal and assign to it the same output value

  • Do not use suffixes

  • Name: port_name

  • Example: (modulator_rtl.vhd)



clk_in : in std_logic; -- 50 MHz input clock signal

sw0_freq_sel : in std_logic; -- signal made for selecting frequency

pwm : out std_logic -- pulse width modulated signal


2.3 Process

  • Process enables the designer to write sequential statements like other programming languages

  • There are two types of processes, clocked and combinatorial

  • Include all input signals to its sensitivity list. Also include all signals appearing on the right hand side of an assignment or condition present in the process

  • Processes shall be associated with a descriptive label

  • Clocked processes should define a reset signal

  • Name: process_name_p

  • Example: (counter_rtl.vhd)

counter_p: process


wait until rising_edge(clk_in);

if (cnt_en = '1') then

if (cnt_out_s = cnt_value_g - 1) then

cnt_out_s <= (others => '0'); -- counter reset


cnt_out_s <= cnt_out_s + 1; -- counter

end if;

end if;

end process;

2.4 If/Then/Else

  • Avoid using more than three levels of if

  • Avoid using long if-then-else statements and use a case statement. This is to prevent inferring of large priority encoder

  • Example: see Chapter 2.3 Process

2.5 Case

  • Choice in a case statement shall be separated by one blank line and intended

  • Do not use ()

  • Example: (frequency_trigger_rtl.vhd)

freq_ce_p : process -- create and select frequency


wait until rising_edge(clk_in);

freq_cnt_s <= freq_cnt_s + 1; -- increment

freq_trig <= '0';

case sw0_freq_sel is -- select sine frequency

when '0' => -- frequency for sw0_freq_sel = '0'

if (sw0_freq_sel_jmp = '1') then

freq_cnt_s <= 0; -- reset<

sw0_freq_sel_jmp <= '0';

end if;

if (freq_cnt_s = freqlow_g - 1) then

freq_trig <= '1';

freq_cnt_s <= 0; -- reset

end if;

when '1' => -- frequency for sw0_freq_sel = '1'

if (sw0_freq_sel_jmp = '0') then

freq_cnt_s <= 0; -- reset

sw0_freq_sel_jmp <= '1';

end if;

if (freq_cnt_s = freqhigh_g - 1 ) then

freq_trig <= '1';

freq_cnt_s <= 0; -- reset

end if;

when others => null;

end case;

end process;

2.6 Loops

  • Loop statement shall be labeled

  • Next and exit statement shall specify the loop label the control

  • Avoid using discrete range, use predefined object attributes

  • Name: loop_name_l

  • Example: see Chapter 1.3 Types and Subtypes

2.7 Functions and Procedures

  • Functions and procedures are used to describe a set of operations or logic that is going to be repeated in many places in the code

  • A function is a sub-program that returns a value. The function defines how the return value is computed based on the values of the formal parameters

  • A procedure is a sub-program that performs operations using all the visible parameters and objects, and can modify one or more of the visible parameters

  • Whenever possible, use constrained arrays, instead of constrained arrays

  • Named association shall be used preferably to positional association

  • Name: function_name_f

  • Name: procedure_name_p

  • Example: see Chapter 1.3 Types and Subtypes

2.8 Components and Component Instantiation

  • A component represents an entity/architecture pair

  • Instantiations of components in architectures is a method to define hierarchy because architectures of components can have within them other components

  • Components should be labelled

  • Named association shall be used preferably to positional association

  • Name: component_name

  • Use the no additional component declaration for a bottom up approach

  • Example: (modulator_rtl.vhd)

freq_ce : entity work.frequency_trigger(rtl) -- generates frequency trigger

generic map(

freqhigh_g => freqhigh_c,

freqlow_g => freqlow_c


port map(

clk_in => clk_in,

freq_trig => freq_trig_s,

sw0_freq_sel => sw0_freq_sel


2.9 Simulation and Test Benches

  • Do not assign value of unknowns ‘X’ or check for don’t care ‘-‘. Such values can produce unexpected behaviour in both simulation and syntheses

  • Do not use default values or initialization for signals and variables. Such assignment can cause mismatch between synthesis and simulation

  • The verification shall solely be performed using the VHDL test benches; no simulator specific featured or commands shall be used

  • Test benches should be self-checking, reporting success or failure for each subtest

  • Name: entity_name_tb.vhd

  • Example: (modulator_tb.vhd)

library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;

use ieee.std_logic_textio.all;

use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

use work.modulator_pkg.all;

entity modulator_tb is


design_setting_g: design_setting_t := design_setting_c --user defined settings for the pwm design



architecture tb of modulator_tb is

signal clk_in_s : std_logic := '1'; -- 50 MHz input clock signal

signal sw0_freq_sel_s : std_logic := '1'; -- signal made for selecting frequency

signal pwm_s : std_logic := '0'; -- pulse width modulated signal


pwmmodulator : entity work.modulator -- fetch generics and ports of modulator_rtl.vhd

generic map(

fclk_g => 1000000000.0/real (per_c/(1 ns)),

design_setting_g => design_setting_g


port map(

clk_in => clk_in_s,

sw0_freq_sel => sw0_freq_sel_s,

pwm => pwm_s


clk_in_s <= not (clk_in_s) after per_c/2; -- generates 50 MHz input clock signal

sw0_freq_sel_s <= '1', '0' after 25 us;


2.10 Types

Use std_logic_arith, std_logic_unsigned/std_logic_signed packages. This provides the essential conversion functions:

  • .conv_integer (<signal_name>):

converts std_logic_vector, unsigned, and signed data types into an integer data type

  • .conv_unsigned (<signal_name>, <size>):

converts a std_logic_vector, integer, unsigned (change size), or signed data types into an unsigned data type

  • .conv_signed (<signal_name>, <size>):

    converts a std_logic_vector, integer, signed (change size), or unsigned data types into a signed data type

  • .conv_std_logic_vector (<signal_name>, <size>):

    converts an integer, signed, or unsigned data type into a std_logic_vector data type

  • .ext (<signal_name>, <size>):

    zero extends a std_logic_vector to size <size>

  • .sxt (<signal_name>, <size>):

    sign extends a std_logic_vector to size <size>

    All conversion functions can take for the <signal_name> data-type a std_logic_vector, unsigned, signed, std_ulogic_vector, or integer. <size> is specified as an integer value.



    • Do not use different VHDL coding standards in the same project

    • Use VHDL-93

    • Everything (all VHDL keywords and all user-defined identifiers) shall be in lower case

    • All user-defined identifiers shall be meaningful composed from words separated by underscores, based on the English language

    • Use the same identifier name for the actual hardware and in the data sheet

    • For signals and variables that are active low, this should be clearly indicated by their suffixing “_n” as in “reset_n

    • Named association should be used preferably to positional association

    • For objects that are global, this should be clearly indicated by their suffix “_gc

    • Underscores should be used in literals

    • Only literals in base 2, 8, 10, 16 should be used

    • Extended digits in base-16 literals should be written in the lower case

    • Variable width ports should be constrained using generics


    • Declarative regions and blocks should be indented by four spaces

    • Indentation level in sequential statements should not exceed 4

    • Indented regions in sequential statements should not have more than 60 lines

    • The TAB character should not be used to indent, only use the space character

    • Lines should not exceed 120 characters

    • Long lines should be broken where there are white spaces

    • Line continuations should be indented to line-up with the first token at the same nesting level or by four spaces

    • One line should separate concurrent statements and their descriptive comment

    • Groups of logically related statements and declarations should be separated by one blank line

    • Unless otherwise specified, tokens should be separated by one space

    • No space should precede a close parenthesis or semi-colon

    • No space should surround a single quote or dot

    • Each statement should start on a new line

    • Each declaration should start on a new line

    • Elements in interface declarations should be vertically aligned

    • Elements in signal, constant declarations should be vertically aligned

    • Elements in a named association that spans more than one line should be vertically aligned

    • Buffer and linkage ports should not be used

    • Guarded blocks and guarded signals should not be used

    • Operators should not be overloaded lightly

    • Attributes ‘range and ‘reverse_range should be used when scanning arrays

    • Enumerates should be used to represent non-arithmetic discrete values

    • Use too many parentheses, never let the tool resolve precedence. Explicitly declare precedence via parenthesis

    • Use relative paths

    • Include only libraries which are really used in the design!

    • For interfacing other modules use only std_logic and std_logic_vector types

    • For arithmetic operations use library ieee.std_logic_signed_bit.all and ieee.std_logic_signed.all

    • Use preferred libraries ieee.std_logic_1164.all, std.text.all and std.logic_textio.all


    • Comments should be immediately followed by the code they describe

    • Comments for port and signal declarations should be in the same line

    • Each file should have descriptive comment of its content, located at the top of the file

    4. HEADER


    -- File : modulator_rtl.vhd

    -- Project : modulator

    -- Creation : 15.07.2008

    -- Limitations : none

    -- Errors : none known

    -- Simulator : ISim

    -- Synthesizer : ISE 10.1

    -- Platform : Windows XP

    -- Targets : Simulation, Synthese, Implementation


    -- Naming conv. : so_vhdl_guide_.doc


    -- Authors : Peter Thorwartl (thor)

    -- Organization : so-logic

    -- Email : thor@so-logic.co.at

    -- Address : Lustkandlg. 52/22, A-1090 Vienna Austria/Europe/Earth


    -- Copyright Notice

    -- Copying of this document and giving it to others and the

    -- communication of the contents thereof is forbidden without authority.

    -- Offenders are liable to payment of damages. All rights are reserved in

    -- event of the grant or patent of the utility model or design.


    -- Function description

    -- This module will merge all the previously designed modules


    -- $HeadURL:$

    -- $Date:$

    -- $Author:$

    -- $Revision:$



    5.1 Reset

    • Do not assign an asynchronous reset to sequential statements

    • For simulation use default value assignment in signal declaration

    5.2 Clocks

    • Use only synchronous design techniques

    • Example: (modulator_rtl.vhd)

    entity modulator is





    clk_in: in std_logic; -- 50 MHz input clock signal




    architecture rtl of modulator is



    freq_ce : entity work.frequency_trigger(rtl) -- generates frequency trigger

    generic map(



    port map(

    clk_in => clk_in,



    counterampl : entity work.counter(rtl) -- generates amplitude values

    generic map(



    port map (

    clk_in => clk_in,



    sine : entity work.sine(rtl) -- generates digital sine

    generic map(



    port map(

    clk_in => clk_in,



    pwmmodule : entity work.pwm (rtl) -- generates pwm signal

    generic map(



    port map (

    clk_in => clk_in,




    • Do not use gated clocks

    • Do not generate internal clock signal in modules

    • Avoid using latches

    • Do not use buffers as delay elements

    • All block's external IOs should be registered

    • Avoid using both clock edges

    • Clock signal must be connected to global dedicated routing resources

    • Do not use clock or reset as data or as enable

    • Do not use data as clock or as reset

    • Signals that cross-different clock domains should be sampled before and after crossing domains (double sampling is preferred to minimize meta-stability)

    • Use the lowest possible clock speed in each clock domain

    • Use the minimum number of clock domains

    • Use clock enables

    • Clock enables can only be inferred in a clocked process

    • Clock enables can be inferred explicitly by testing an enable signal. If the enable is true, the signal is updated. If enable is false, that signal will hold its current value

    • Clock enables can be implicitly inferred in two ways:

    1. Not assigning to a signal in every branch of an if-then-else statement or case statement. Remember that latches will be inferred for this condition in a combinatorial process

    2. Not defining all possible states or branches of an if-then-else or case statement

    • Use Digital Clock Manager like DCMs, DLLs, …

    Illustration 5.1: DCM module block diagram

    5.3 Buses

    • Start buses with the LSB

    • Use MSB to LSB for data buses

    • Use LSB to MSB for delay lines and shift registers

    • Start counting from one

    • Avoid using internal tri-state signals, they no longer exist on FPGAs. They will be modelled with two buses, one for reading and one for writing

    5.4 Finite State Machine (FSM)

    • Generally, use three process statements for a state machine: one process for next-state decoding, one for output decoding, and one for the registering of state bits and outputs

    Illustration 5.2: FSM with three processes diagram

    • Use a Mealy look-ahead state machine with registered outputs whenever possible, or use a Moore state machine with next-state output decoding and registered outputs to incur the minimum amount of latency

    • Use enumeration types for the states

    • Use one hot encoding for FPGAs

    • Use binary, Gray, sequential coding for CPLDs

    • Example:

    library ieee;

    use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

    entity fsm_3_processes is

    port (

    clk : in std_logic

    reset : in std_logic

    x1 : in std_logic;

    outp : out std_logic



    architecture beh of fsm_3_processes is

    type state_type is (s1,s2,s3,s4);

    signal state, next_state: state_type ;


    process1: process (clk,reset)


    if (reset = '1') then

    state <= s1;

    elsif (clk = '1' and clk'Event) then

    state <= next_state;

    end if;

    end process;

    process2 : process (state, x1)


    case state is

    when s1 =>

    if x1 = '1' then

    next_state <= s2;


    next_state <= s3;

    end if;

    when s2 => next_state <= s4;

    when s3 => next_state <= s4;

    when s4 => next_state <= s1;

    end case;

    end process;

    process3 : process (state)


    case state is

    when s1 => outp <= '1';

    when s2 => outp <= '1';

    when s3 => outp <= '0';

    when s4 => outp <= '0';

    end case;

    end process;


    5.5 Memories

    • Use synchronous single-port or dual-port block memories for synchronous read and write

    • Use asynchronous distributed RAMs for synchronous write and asynchronous read

    • Example:

    library ieee;

    use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

    use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

    entity rom is

    port (

    clk : in std_logic;

    en : in std_logic;

    addr : in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);

    data : out std_logic_vector(19 downto 0)



    architecture syn of rom is

    type rom_type is array (63 downto 0) of std_logic_vector (19 downto 0);

    constant ROM : rom_type:= (X"0200A", X"00300", X"08101", X"04000", X"08601",

    X"0233A", X"00300", X"08602", X"02310", X"0203B",

    X"08300", X"04002", X"08201", X"00500", X"04001",

    X"02500", X"00340", X"00241", X"04002", X"08300",

    X"08201", X"00500", X"08101", X"00602", X"04003",

    X"0241E", X"00301", X"00102", X"02122", X"02021",

    X"00301", X"00102", X"02222", X"04001", X"00342",

    X"0232B", X"00900", X"00302", X"00102", X"04002",

    X"00900", X"08201", X"02023", X"00303", X"02433",

    X"00301", X"04004", X"00301", X"00102", X"02137",

    X"02036", X"00301", X"00102", X"02237", X"04004",

    X"00304", X"04040", X"02500", X"02500", X"02500",

    X"0030D", X"02341", X"08201", X"0400D");


    process (clk)


    if (clk'event and clk = '1') then

    if (en = '1') then

    data <= ROM(conv_integer(addr));

    end if;

    end if;

    end process;



    6.1 Library

    Directory Structure Example:









    • /lib - is the location for project libraries, templates, shared files for multiple projects

    • /vhdl - for vhdl libraries

    • /verilog - for verilog libraries

    • /pads - for layout software symbols, parts, decals

    • /templates - for OpenOffice examples

    6.2 Project Directory

    Project Directory Example:








    • <project> - is the root of all projects developed by the company and can be readable for all staff members

    • <company> - company name of the customer

    • <project_name> - is the formal name of the project under development, used also for svn and time table entries

    6.3 One Project Tree









    • /info - additional information from the customer or websites

    • /pcb - schematic and layout files, also production data like gerber and excellon files and searchable PDF of schematic and layout

    • /upld - is the location for the FPGA, CPLD, … data

    • /soft - directory for additional software, like drivers

    • /tools - additional tools

    • /pcb - is the location for the layout data

    6.4 UPLD User Programmable Logic Devices





  • /src - everything inside the source directory should be under version control, no binary files

  • No version numbers in file names under revision control

  • /result - temporary files generated from the tools in subdirectories with the <toolname>\, like ise91sp3, ise82sp3, edk91sp2, msim61f, pads2007, matlab2006b

  • /release - subdirectory with some kind of design names

  • automatically generated zip files include src dir report files and programming file ( *.mcs, *.bit, *.elf, *.svf,...) with the name of the tag






















    6.5 File Name

    • Give short but meaningful names

    • Use only lower case characters

    • Do not use special characters. Only alphanumeric and underscore to separate two sub-strings, are allowed. Do not use spaces

    • Name big things first, like cpu_register, not register_cpu !

    • Use only English terms, avoid keywords or commands

    • Good names are part of the documentation

    • Rename names if you change the functionality

    • The structure of the file system hierarchy should mirror the logical structure of the system being modelled. A directory should correspond to one and only one design unit

    • Do not use version numbers, if the files are under version control like SVN

    7. SVN

    7.1 Rules

    • All sources will be kept on the So-Logic server and revision controlled by SVN. For off line work you will be able to copy the sources to a local directory. \<project_name>\.svn

    • The header fields will be automatically updated every time you check in your source codes

    • Tag the files every time you make a release (sending a bitstream to the customer or reaching a milestone)

    • Command line: https://svn01.so-logic.net/projects

    • Web interface svn web-interface: https://svn01.so-logic.net/websvn

    • Use the default layout structure of SVN

        o /trunk ... the head version

        o /branches ..different version, normally merged back to trunk

        o /tags ..named version or milestones

    • Commit your changes every time and add comments!

    • Tag if you need to go back to exact version


    • Use two make files

    • One called Makefile, that has many targets. To call the real makefile, type something like so_demo.make

    • Use only relative paths

    • Add help for different targets

    • Remove unnecessary targets

    • Use automatic name to number conversion for ID generation. Use names for bitstream and when you are reading back from CPUs

    • Try to automate all steps in the design flow

    • Try to be compatible with graphical tools

    8.1 Identifier ID

    Examples for using 32-bit identification number:

    # VERSION string digit 12345678

    # 1. digit year

    # 2. and 3. digit week

    # 4. day of week 1 Monday 7 .. Sunday

    # 5. digit PROJECT

    # 0 .. so_hs

    ifeq ($(PROJECT), so_hs)



    ifeq ($(PROJECT), infineon_hs)



    # 6. digit DESIGN

    # 0 .. iotest check pinout, GTP and DCM use for all use cases

    ifeq ($(DESIGN), iotest)

    S= 0


    # 1 .. pcbtest with CPU

    ifeq ($(DESIGN), pcbtest)

    S = 1


    # 2 .. ibert serial io toolkit

    ifeq ($(DESIGN), ibert)

    S= 2


    # 3 .. HSPG

    ifeq ($(DESIGN), hspg)

    S = 3


    # 4 .. HSLA

    ifeq ($(DESIGN), hsla)

    S = 4


    # 6 .. HSPL_L

    ifeq ($(DESIGN), hspl_l)

    S = 6


    # 7 .. HSPL_TV

    ifeq ($(DESIGN), hspl_tv)

    S = 7


    # 8 .. HSPL_TJ

    ifeq ($(DESIGN), hspl_tj)

    S = 8


    # 7. digit BOARD

    # 0 .. ML505 Demoboard Xilinx

    ifeq ($(BOARD), ml505)



    # 1 .. first version of print FPGA board

    ifeq ($(BOARD), hsfb1)



    # 8. digit PART

    ifeq ($(PART), lx50t)




    ifeq ($(PART), lx110t)




    ifeq ($(PART), fx70t)




    ifeq ($(PART), fx100t)




  • Updated at: 2011-01-31 09:56:57 +0100to the top