
Name Email* GSM number Extension** Activity
Peter Thorwartl thor +43-664-41 60 188 81 Geschäftsführer, Trainer und System Designer
Daniela Thorwartl dth1 +43-664-10 53 069 11 Sekretariat, Training und Organisation
Alfred Bruckner abr1 +43-664-822 61 77 System Designer, Circuit Designer und Layouter
Martin Küng mku1 +43-660-6419901/td> 3D Design und Druck
Heinrich Thurner h.thurner System Administrator
Andreas Frühwirth fr1 +43-664-84 70 988 28 Logic designer and high speed serial IO specialist
Christian Buchinger cbu1 20
Thiago Carneiro thc1 46
Maja Gordic mgo1 11 Embedded System Design using FPGAs
Bernhard Greissing bgr1 +43-664-82 04 135 30 System Designer, Circuit Designer und Layouter
Markus Kreuzinger mkr1 +43-699-190 269 01 84 VHDL Developer
Lukas Lichtl lli1 22
Leopold Matzinger lma1 +43-664-82 10 577 22 Embedded Software Developer und embedded System Designer
Franz Wittmann fwi1 27
Paul Wolfger pwo1 86
Samed Asil saa1 Test and commissioning

* Hinzufügen zu
** Rufe +43-1-315 77 77 plus Durchwahl

Geschäftsführer Peter Thorwartl

  • Geboren: 1968 in Wien
  • Kolleg in Nachrichtentechnik
  • 1996: Abschluss des Studiums Elektrotechnik an der Technischen Universität Wien (Professoren Paschke, Pötzl, Prechtl, Hoffmann, Mecklenbräuker)
  • Während meines Studiums war ich oft Unterrichtsassistent
  • Von 1991 bis 1997 unterrichtete ich am Kolleg für Kommunikationstechnik in Wien
  • 1997: Zivildienst im AKH (Allgemeines Krankenhaus, eines der größten Krankenhäuser der Welt)
  • 1996-2000: Vortragender und Trainier über FPGA-Design an der Technischen Universität Wien
  • 1997: Gründung von So-logic GmbH & Co KEG
  • Seit 2000 Xilinx-Training-Center für FPGA-Design
  • 2003 - 2004: Vortragender und Trainier über FPGA und Computer-Architecture an der Fachhochschule (FH Wien)
  • Seit 2008: Vortragender über Embedded Systems an der FH Wiener Neustadt.

Meine Erfahrung sammelte ich in einer der führenden Universiäten von Zentral- und Osteuropa. Neben meiner wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten war ich auch Vortragender an Universitäten und HTLs.

Daniela Thorwartl

I was born in Brasil and speak following languages: Portuguese, Italian, English, Spanish, German.

Alfred Bruckner

  • 1964 born in Vienna
  • 1983 successfully graduated College HTL Schellinggasse (1010 Wien) (Communications Engeneering)
  • 1984 Alcatel (former ITT) Austria
    • Testing and engineering prototype hardware
    • Assembler an C-language coded Operating system and Debug Software
    • Adoption, development and certification of a digital Telephony system for various countries
    • Hardware development of a complete range of small to large voicemail systems for digital telephony systems which are DSP and X86 based and run a proprietary and linux operating system
  • 2000 Tecwings
    • Hardware development of a Multimedia Settop box for MPEG4 video
    • Various developments according to customer specification
    • DC/DC power supply developments
  • 2004 so-logic
    • FPGA and PowerPC based redundant hardware design
    • 300A FET based starter relay
    • Ultra compact platform for GSM/GPS tracking
    • 200W DC/DC switching power supply and battery charging
    • High speed FPGA Video transmission


  • Experience in various Intel Processor platforms (8051, 80x86, Pentium, DSPs), PowerPC, PIC, ATMEL
  • Assembly and C-language
  • Discrete analog circuit design and Spice based analog simulation
  • DC/DC switching applications
  • Digital high speed circuit designs and FPGA design
  • Circuit design entry, PCB layout (HDI, Starrflex)
  • Hardware design simulation, validation and verification
  • Systems design, EMC conform development

Martin Küng

  • born 1953 in Vorarlberg

Heinrich Thurner

  • born 1967 in Salzburg

Andreas Frühwirth

  • 1975 born in Krems
  • 1992 graduation at BFS "aeronautics" in Langenlebarn
  • 1997 graduation at HTL "communications engineering" in Vienna
  • 1997 Philips Tone testing of fax machines Development of automated test systems
  • 1999 Neuroth / Analog Devices Inc.Test hardware development and measurement for HDSL chips, ASIC design and simulation of a G.SHDSL chip
  • 2003 On-demand Microelectronics Test hardware development ASIC design of a vector processing (VSP) chip
  • 2004 SoLogic FPGA design (Xilinx) for various customers (CPU peripherals, SDI SD/HD video, PCIe, etc.ASIC design of the VSP video (SVEN) chip)

Christian Buchinger

Thiago Carneiro

Born in Brazil 1986
Graduated from School of Technology, University of Campinas - UNICAMP - Brazil - 2009
I'm learning German at VWU for my master degree in Software Engineering at TU.

Undergradute Projects
Network Technologies Publication, Yr II No I 2008. "Frequency Control of Piezoelectric Transducers Operation Using Programmable Logic Devices".
ANDESCON 2008 paper presentation in Cusco, Peru: "A Driver for Piezoelectric Transducers with Automatic Resonance Correction".
International Congress on Ultrasonic's - 2009 at University of Santiago, Chile: "An electronic amplifier for piezoelectric transducers"

Work Experience
Trainee in the Department of Network Management Systems (GRSD) School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (FEEC), UNICAMP Campinas-SP Brazil.

Maja Gordic

I was born in Novi Sad in 1981.

In 2008 I have graduated from the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad, at the department of Microprocessor Electronics. My Master thesis was in the area of embedded system design using FPGAs.

My hobbies are sports and reading.

Bernhard Greissing

  • 1989 I started studying Electrical Engineering / Computer Technology at the Vienna University of Technology
  • 1996 together with a friend we established our own company for professional audio and broadcast engineering
  • 2003 the company changed it's focus so I left with all the engineering equipment which since
  • 2004 is housed at so-Logic

Currently I'm concentrating on circuit design and PCB layout of complex FPGA based systems

Areas of my expertise:

  • High-Speed Design / Signal Integrity, EMC
  • FPGA, CPLD Design
  • Multilayer, rigid-flex, HDI PCBs
  • CAD library development
  • Microcontroller / embedded systems
  • Analog (audio) design
  • Firmware (Assembler, C)
  • Mechanical Design (In-House CNC workshop)
  • Prototyping & rework

My motto:

Engineering is the art of making what you want from things you can get.

Markus Kreuzinger

  • 2004 – 2008 apprenticeship in mechatronics
  • 2007 – 2010 evening classes
  • 2008 – 2009 alternative civilian service
  • 2009 – 2010 automation technician in company LEA
  • 2010 – 2013 Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BSc), Medical Engineering
  • 2013 – 2015 Graduate Engineer (Dipl. -Ing.) Medical Engineering
  • 2015 - started working for the so-logic company
  • Lukas Lichtl

  • 2004 – 2009 HTBLA Linz Paul-Hahn-Straße (Litec)
  • 2009 – 2010 Rettungssanitäter
  • 2010 – 2013 Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Medizintechnik
  • 2013 – 2015 Diplom-Ingenier für technisch-wissenschaftliche Beruf, Medizintechnik
  • 2015 – Recht und Wirtschaft für TechnikerInnen, JKU Linz
  • Geboren in Linz, Österreich in April 1990, ware ich bereits schon immer von Elektronik und Software fasziniert. Noch heute bin ich beeindruckt was durch ein perfektes Zusammenspiel dieser beiden Welten erreicht werden kann. Kombiniert in eine Chip (SoC) scheinen die möglichen Anwendungen in der high-tech Industrie grenzenlos. Es könnte keinen besseren Platz also so-logic geben um mein Wissen und meine Passion in diesem Umfeld voranzutreiben.

    Lukas auf LinkedIn

    Leopold Matzinger

    Franz Wittmann

    Paul Wolfger

    Samed Asil

    • Born in 1999 in Leoben
    • 2020: HTL Absolvent; Informationstechnologie,Netzwerktechnik
    Updated at: 2024-09-13 11:43:50 +0200to the top